Know the Benefits of Cover Crops in Organic Farming Practices

Organic farming involves more than simply farming without chemicals. It also requires rotating crop production, weed and nutrient management techniques and the integration of diverse organic pesticides. Innovative genetics are crucial for maintaining plant health, as chemical-based products cannot be used to control diseases and pests.

A fundamental part of any sustainable organic operation is the use of cover crops. Organic farmers utilize cover crops to control weeds, reduce soil erosion and enhance soil quality by introducing organic matter. Because problems can arise due to unsuitable species or poor-quality cover crop seeds, it is essential to source from a trusted and reputable supplier.

Important benefits of cover crops include:

1. Erosion Control

Cover crops form a protective canopy over the soil, minimizing the impact of rain, high winds and the breakdown of soil aggregates. This increases the soil’s filtration and, most importantly, reduces erosion of the nutrient-rich topsoil. A decrease in soil erosion and runoff limits the movement of nutrients and harmful pathogens that can deteriorate the quality of the water supply.

2. Organic Matter and Soil Structure

Cover crops add organic matter and improve the chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil. They also refine the soil’s structure, enhance overall stability and increase its capacity for retaining nutrients and moisture. Each of these attributes significantly benefits plant growth.

3. Nitrogen Fixation

Cover crops effectively trap nutrients from manure and mineralized organic nitrogen, resulting in reduced leaching. Legume cover crops hold atmospheric nitrogen in tissues and convert it for use by plants. Cover crops also capture leachable nitrogen and make it available for the crop after applications of manure and compost.

4. Pest Control and Weed Suppression

Cover crops are used in planned crop rotations to interrupt the life cycles of bacterial, insect, fungal and nematode pests. Additionally, cover crops act as mulches (physical barriers) and suppress weed germination by smothering them.

When researching the market’s top cover crops—including Bokito radish and rocket lettuce—Forage Complete is a supplier which comes up over and over. Forage Complete offers premium-quality cover crop seeds and the finest organic corn and alfalfa seed available. Forage Complete is proud of its remarkable accomplishments in elite plant genetics and passionate about providing products that exceed customers’ expectations of quality and financial return. In addition to selling its own specialty seeds, Forage Complete is the exclusive retailer of NuTech seeds in Nevada, Utah, Washington, Idaho and Oregon.

About Forage Complete:

Forage Complete is a top supplier of NuTech seed, as well as organic forage seed products and cover crops. With innovative genetic technology and intense research and testing, Forage Complete brings the finest seeds available anywhere.

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